Adrian Hotels, S.L. - Adrue, S.L. - Jardines de Nivaria, S.L. - Colon Guanahani, S.L.U. hereinafter, ADRIÁN HOTELES GROUP.
C/ París, s/n 38660 Adeje
Adrian Hotels Group. in its public and manifest commitment to adopt a proactive attitude for the detection and action of irregular or illegal behaviors or scenarios that take place within the entity, and whose authorship may correspond to the workers, managers and administrators, as well as third parties who have some kind of relationship or connection, develops this ETHICAL CHANNEL COMPLAINTS (Internal Information System), as an effective communication channel/tool, so that, through the collaboration of any interested party, action is taken on those irregularities or breaches that could jeopardize the normal and correct development of Grupo Adrián Hoteles, its members, everyone with whom it is related and/or any other interest group, that might otherwise go unnoticed.
Consequently, its implementation aims to constitute an effective mechanism for prevention, detection and/or action, complying with the entity`s Code of Ethics, its values and responsibility, as well as the applicable legal obligations.
Commitment of Grupo Adrián Hoteles:
We are committed to consolidating an open communication channel and at total disposal, without any limitation, guaranteeing the maximum confidentiality, privacy, absence of retaliation and data protection, of the communications received.
If you wish to make a complaint/communication, you must use the contact channels made available, the External Entity will receive the communication/complaint, acting impartially, confidentially, avoiding any conflict of interest.
Identification of the External Entity + Information.
CONTACT - Ethical Channel Complaints:
Mailing address:
C/La Marina, 35 3ºB
38001 S/C de Tenerife
Telephone contact:
922 29 29 18 , Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
For more information, consult the entire protocol:
We moeten de beschikbaarheid controleren, geef het gewenste datumbereik aan.
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